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Regenize in the MTN VIPSS18 Programme

Nkazi Miti

In April 2018, Regenize was selected to join the MTN VIPSS18 Incubation Programme cohort. The Venture Incubation Programme (VIP) is designed to provide a supportive ecosystem to help startups build viable and scalable innovation-driven companies. Regenize was selected along with ten other start-ups ranging from Fin-tech to Data Sciences, as it fit the mold of a digitally enabled start-up driven to make a social impact.

The programme took place over a period of three months in which startups had access to a range of resources including co-working space, practical learning clinics, mentors, weekly check-ins and staff advisors, and a community of peers who learn and grow together.

The journey was long and demanding. Fueled with expert knowledge and assistance from some of the top leaders across various industries, Regenize benefited in that the team was able to focus and gain access to resources that were otherwise difficult to obtain.

Nkazi & Chad at the MTN VIPSS18 Pitch Night, showing off their t-shirts made from 100% PET plastic bottles.

Over this period, Regenize was seeking to further develop its model as well as find and test solutions to make recycling more inclusive and impactful. The result? Regenize will be piloting its decentralised Local Hubs recycling model with the hope of providing FREE recycling services to all communities and areas by partnering and enabling the informal waste sector through technology and innovation. This is a radical step in The Regenize Team striving hard to realise its vision. We will be piloting this new model in two local communities that will be announced in due time. Part of the pilot is garnering partnerships, support and participation, as well as testing the viability of the decentralised model. Should it be successful (we are very confident it can be), Regenize plans to roll out into as many communnities and areas as possible - finally fulfilling its vision of changing recycling behaviour in South Africa. So watch out for news on our pilot as we implemennt and report back on our findings and way forward. We would like to thank the MTN Solution Space Team, the UCT GSB and MTN for the opportunity of being part of the incubation programme. We are looking forward to really making an impact and changing social norms when it comes to recycling and socio-economic development. Its what drives us... its what makes us Regenize.

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